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Training Wheels
Motorcycle training wheels are an inexpensive way to convert your motorcycle to a trike. These are assemblies that attach to your motorcycle. They go on both sides of your motorcycles rear axle as you can see in the photo below. Many kids had something similar on their first bicycles - called training wheels. The rear motorcycle wheel in this type of configuration still provides the drive power to the wheels. The wheels on the add-on kit just roll along for the ride and give some stability from falling over.
- Motorcycle Training Wheels
Motorcycle Training Wheels
The result of adding a training wheel kit is a four wheeled vehicle. The propulsion is provided by the original motorcycle rear wheel. When riding it, the rider still needs to lean to turn the vehicle. In addition, during a turn, the wheel on the outside will usually lift. Once the turn has been completed, the wheel that was lifted drops, and drags that side of the vehicle back.
When purchasing an add-on, removable kit for your motorcycle, make sure that the position of the axles of the additional wheels is slightly towards the front of the motorcycle. Do not ever consider an add-on kit where the position of the axles of the additional wheels is behind the rear axle line of the original motorcycle. This is a severely unstable configuration and life-threatening, since the wheels will drag excessively.
We do sell these kits, and occasionally we have used kits, since many people trade them in later to defray the cost of a real trike conversion. One thing about these kits is that you can remove them fairly easily from your motorcycle, so if you want to be able to take them on and off the motorcycle, then this option is better than a kit. Call (407) 847-0119 or contact us
Suspension Systems
- Click here for more information on independent rear suspensions
- Click here for more information on fixed axle trike suspensions