Paughco Wide Springer Front End With Half Round Rear Legs - Stock length (total length – 27")


407 383-3264

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100.00 LBS

This product is custom made and pricing will vary on what options are selected


Photo of this product is of a 3" over springer 

These Springer fork assemblies come assembled and include the fork stem, top nut, crown nut, top clamp, and inner and outer springs. Please specify type of neck when ordering (Big Twin or Sportster – see bottom of page). Also, please specify style of top clamp you want..... with ears (for dog bone style risers) or without ears (for Glide style risers).


  • Outside width is 9½".
  • Distance between inside rockers where axle goes is 97/16"
  • Distance between front legs is 85/16"
  • Distance between rear legs is 81/16"

Ordering Information:

  • 1981 and earlier Sportster front end has a 7/8" neck stem.
  • 1982 and later has a 1" neck stem.
  • Rockers are available for 5/8" or 3/4"-diameter axles.
  • Stock Harley axles will not fit Paughco Springers.
  • Upon special request, Springers 181ST and 181-3 can be designed to accept Paughco 16" front fenders