Learn More about Motorcycle Trike Suspension Systems
Posted by Art In Motion Parts Department on 31st Aug 2017
Credit: Art In Motion, LLC / Art In Motion, LLC
Fixed Axle Suspension for Motorcycles
Written by: Christi Kapp
Published by:
Art In Motion, LLC
When we ask people what kind of trike conversion kit they want, they say, "A three wheeled conversion" or "that's a dumb question". Trike Conversions come in many varieties and there are many options for safer riding, handling, and ease of steering. This article explains the three major types of suspension systems to transform your motorcycle from a two wheeler to a trike. Independent Suspension, Straight or Fixed Axle Suspension, and Removable Suspension (aka Training Wheels). 1. Independent Suspension When a trike has independent rear suspension each rear wheel moves vertically independent of the other. This kind of conversion kit has the most parts of any trike conversion kit. Independent suspension kits are usually the most expensive type of conversion. Each kit manufacturer has features that sets them apart from each other. 2. Straight Axle Suspension A fixed axle suspension converts most belt or chain driven motorcycles into a trike. With a fixed axle the left and right side are tied together. The conversion takes only a few hours by a competent mechanic 3. Bolt-on, removable kits These are close to the price of a fixed axle suspension kit. The wheels on this add-on kit roll along for the ride, and give some stability from falling over.